Lambo Lingig!
Mayor's Message
WELCOME to the Official Website of the Municipality of Lingig!
Experience Lingig’s stunning natural beauty and be in awe of it. The municipality offers exhilarating outdoor pursuits like hiking through verdant mountains, or along the picturesque coast and beaches, or you can just admire one of the many waterfalls and caves, or indulge in the rich seafood the area has to offer.
This administration is committed to realizing its goal of becoming a prominent ecotourism destination in the area. After all, there are many natural resources in Lingig. The municipality never ceases to amaze, with new frontiers to be discovered, uncharted territories, untapped growth possibilities, and empowered Lingiganons living in a progressive, resilient environment with positive governance.
This is our website, so we invite you to personalize it by engaging with it and staying connected to our services in order to raise awareness of the town’s progress and help our municipality expand.
We want to work with you to shape Lingig’s bright future, so let this be our platform and your channel to the local administration.
Municipal Mayor